
Soil Health Workshops

Our soil health and soil biology related workshops offer a unique opportunity to learn about soil microscopy and how to maintain healthy soil.

Our workshops cater to individuals, groups, and private clients and are available as one-on-one or group sessions, making them ideal for anyone looking to gain a deeper understanding of soil health, nutrient management and regenerative agriculture.

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Upcoming Workshops


EWA at the Kalamunda Garden Fest

Come and learn about microbes!

Kalamunda Garden Festival

Reducing Water Use with Healthy Soils

Learn all about soil microbes!

Amherst Village Library (Blue Room)
10:00am - 11:30pm

EWA at the Food and Farm Fest

Come visit us and say hi!

Serpentine Horse and Pony Club
10:00am - 4:00pm

Soil Healthy Care Day

Learn about microbes and see your own!

Canning River Eco Education Centre

Healthy Soil and Gardens

How do microbes help to have a healthy garden?

69 Parkview Drive, Ballajura
6:00pm - 8:00pm

Conversations with Garden Experts

Spend 10 minutes with us and chat all things microbes!

69 Parkview Drive, Ballajura
10:00am - 12:00pm

Custom Event! Let us create an event for your group!

See workshop themes below.

Contact us!

Workshop Topics

Here are a few of the soil health and soil biology workshops that we run throughout the year.

If you'd like to arrange one of these workshops or discuss a custom format for your community or group, please contact us.

Contact us for a Custom Workshop
  • What's Living in my Soil?

    EarthWhile Australia has the capacity to introduce people to the soil foodweb and train them in the use of microscopes to identify and monitor soil microbiology.  

  • Soil Microscopy Workshop

    Foundational and Master Workshops/Courses available. We will explore the fascinating world of soil microorganisms and learn how to observe and identify them using microscopy techniques. You will gain a deeper understanding of the complex relationships that exist between microorganisms, plants, and soil, and how they impact the health of our ecosystems.

  • Gardening with Microbes

    An introduction to the role of soil microbes in growing healthy food and beautiful flowers for the home gardener.

  • Reduce Water Usage

    The role of soil microbes in building soil structure to keep water in the landscape.

  • Working with a Changing Climate

    Explores the role of soil microbes to influence climate change, and their role in mitigating effects from flood, fire, and drought.

  • Plant Soil Interaction

    Plant Soil Interactions – Explores how microbes support soil health and plant health. Which came first the plants or the microbes?

  • The Wonders of the Seed Microbiome

    What is in a seed? Why does it matter? And how does it influence the health of the food we grow and the soil we live on.

  • Monitoring your Soil Health

    Monitoring your soil health – for small land holders and farmers. Takes people through some protocols for baseline measures and monitoring changes to your soil. Water infiltration, compaction, pH are included.

  • Local Government, Parks, Gardens and Environmental Staff

    We explore soil microbes and the impacts they have on local areas and how we can enhance or limit their benefits.

  • Tailored Presentations

    We'd love to introduce your group to the basics of soil biological health. Our presentations can be tailored to the needs of your audience. Ranging from an hour through to a full day, please contact us for details. 

We can tailor our workshops to the needs of your group on the topics of biological soil health and microscopy.

"Having Ellen look at your soil, compost and worm casting samples will confirm the health of your soil by the numbers and variety of microbes. Now to make some more compost tea to breed some more microbes."

Robyn, Waste is My Resource Workshop

"Thanks for giving me the opportunity to learn more about our soil microbes, it was an incredibly amazing two days."


​ I recently participated in the 2 day Soil Microbiology and Microscopy. It was an eye opening course for novices, students, gardeners, farmers or simply curious minded people… I'd highly recommended.



  • How do I get to see what's in my soil?

    A few options – purchase a microscope to see for yourself; request a qualitative soil assessment and we’ll send photos/video; or, you could arrange for us to come and do a site visit and you can check out what’s in it yourself.  

  • Now that I've seen what's in my soil, what next?

    That’s up to you. You can hang your photos on the wall, look for ways to change the levels of certain organisms, or do nothing.

  • Are there really living things beneath my feet?

    There sure are! Some big enough to see like earthworms and others so small you need a microscope to see them. Around 30 bacteria will fit across a strand of fine human hair.

  • Do I need my own microscope?

    If you are making your own compost teas for commercial crops on a regular basis, it is probably helpful to have your own to do frequent assessments as they are brewing. For most people, having access to a business to assess your soil samples will do the trick. Of course, microscopes are lots of fun. And we can train you how to use yours correctly.  

  • How do I increase levels of bacteria and fungi?

    If conditions are right, they will multiply. To give them a boost in broad terms sugars feed bacteria and woody products feed fungi. Provided the organisms are already in the soil, feeding will encourage reproduction. 

  • How many bacteria do I need for healthy soil?

    It depends on what you want to grow. Regardless, it is suggested a biomass of at least 300 micrograms of bacteria per gram soil is required before soil is considered healthy. 

  • How long does it take to see results?

    Again, it depends… factors such as the initial levels, temperature, moisture, levels of chemical residues, quality of amendments will all influence the time it takes. Having said that, plants can take up amendments very quickly. The impact on soil health takes a bit longer, so if things are not changing within a few months, it could be worth revisiting the strategies being used. 

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